Homer Hickman is a teenage boy living in Coalwood, a small mining town. Homer's dad is a miner, along with most of the men in town. Elsie, Homer's mother, is a housewife always dreaming and talking about living on Myrtle Beach. She wants the best for her two sons, but Homer's brother Jim shows a more promising future than Homer with football. To the families of Coalwood, football is the only way out. Homer shows no talent until he sees the launch of Sputnik (a Russian space satellite). From then on, Homer and 3 other inspired friends are constantly building rockets with hope they have finally found their way out of Coalwood. Unfortunately things do not get immediately better for the Rocket Boys. There are constant battles throughout the book between the boys and their families. Homer's father is the least supportive and pushes Homer to give up all progress on the rockets in order for him to work in the dangerous mines. Will the Rocket Boys ever leave Coalwood?
Well written, interesting, funny, and inspirational are perfect descriptions of this memoir.
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