Dear John is a heart-catching novel by Nicholas Sparks. This novel follows John Tyree through his life after high school during his military experience and into his late twenties. John’s mother left him when he was very young so he lives with his father. His father has a quiet personality and he enjoys collecting coins, which is the only topic that he truly feels comfortable discussing. John graduates high-school but he isn’t really sure about what he wants from his future so he joins the military. On one of his leaves, he meets Savannah Curtis, a young woman who is conservative and well-mannered. He dives into the ocean waves when her purse falls in and then they are introduced. They spend about a week together and during that week they fall head-over-heels for each other. Savannah’s good friend, Tim, is secretly in love with Savannah but he approves of her relationship with John. When Savannah meets Mr. Tyree she understands his passion of coins and over the course of time she helps John change his view of his own father.
When John’s leave is up, he has to go back to Germany so they promise to write to each other and to call whenever possible. On his next leave, they meet near Savannahs hometown and he meets her parents and some of her friends while staying with her in her apartment. Time changed both of them so getting back to the way it was before was a lot harder that he thought it would be. John had less than a year left before he was a “free man” and he promised to marry Savannah when he came home for good but then America was attacked on September 9, 2001 and he re-enlisted with most of his other army friends and that hurt Savannah mentally because she wanted him to be home but she still admired his dedication to the safety of his country. The extra time apart was not good for their relationship and Savannah married her old friend, Tim, while John was away. When tragedy strikes Savannah and Tim’s home John is forced to decide whether to help Tim and Savannah’s relationship survive or to avoid helping them and maybe be able to kindle his love with Savannah.
Dear John is another great novel by Nicholas Sparks that causes you to truly consider what true love actually is.
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